Track derailment leaves southbound KTM Intercity services affected

Recently, a track derailment has caused several KTM Intercity services to be disrupted. Following is the quote from The Star Online website:

The Ekpres Sinaran Selatan No. 13 (Sentral KL-Woodlands) and Shuttle No. 61 (Gemas- Woodlands) train services remain cancelled as to repair the tracks following a derailment in Johor are expected to be completed only on Thursday, Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) said Sunday.

However, a check performed on KTMB Official website reveals no direct information regarding the incident. We will check with local media for more updates.


LANDASAN Service Disruption info box

Date of incidentJanuary 26th 2013
Service(s) affectedSS13 – Ekspres Sinaran Selatan
SH61 – Shuttle Gemas – Woodlands
Repair due byJanuary 31st 2013
Regular service availabilityFebruary 1st 2013 (estimated, no official information yet)




  1. Six injured in Johor Baru train derailment (The Star Online) link
  2. KTMB: Track repairs following train derailment to be completed Thursday (The Star Online) link

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