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[LDSN Announcement] KTM Intercity Schedule Update

[June 14th 2011] We are pleased to announce that we are updating our KTM Intercity schedule that will only come in effect from July 1st 2011.

Therefore, only station-related information is viewable for the time being.

Comments and suggestion can be made via our Contact Us page.

Satu pandangan di “[LDSN Announcement] KTM Intercity Schedule Update”

  1. To KTM, CEO, Pengarah, Staff , or any online Buyers,

    KTM online e-booking is the MOST USER UNFRIENDLY, WORST online booking web page.
    After all these years still no Upgrade at all for online booking. Lodged in complaints also never seriously take into action nor improve by the KTM.
    Lousy front page, messy information etc. Online 3-4 hours also unable to book a ticket. Time wasted.
    Who ever attach with KTM now should take full responsibility on the ONLINE BOOKING. Compare with others Transport’s web site, you will know how terrible current booking using by KTM.
    Change it. Upgrade it.

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