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[KTMB Announcement] KTM Komuter Revised Schedule




Dear valued customers,


Beginning 18th June 2012, KTM Komuter will operate with some changes on scheduling of departure time for all routes. The changes are made to adjust the use of both Three-Car Set and Six-Car Set MyKomuter which introduced previously on March.


However the service retained existing frequency every 15 minutes during peak hours for the sector between the Batu Caves – Klang and Bangi – Sungai Buloh. Frequency of other sectors remained every 30 minutes throughout the day.


Along with the implementation of this new schedule, the Six-Car Set MyKomuter will begin its service from Sungai Gadut to Rawang and from Rawang to Sungai Gadut.


Thank you.


Footnote : You may refer to the attachment for more info.


Taken from KTMB Official Website

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